How useful it would be get alone with foreigners?
Get alone with foreigners. This is a sentence that day after day is more and more frecuently in the life of latin people. However, try to find out the impact of that kind of experience is what we have to figure out, in order to conclude about the benefits or injuryes of the globalization in the latin life style.
Every day are more people in Colombia wishing to emigrate to other countries to learn its lenguage and live and new experiences. Try to go away of everyday life, leaving the old habits to one side and adpt to new study seize opportunities to strengthen academic training, and live new experiences to help overcome old fears and enrich personality.
However, not always this kind of experience can be fruitful for the colombians in terms of human growth. While it is true that when a peson faces new experiences living in new worlds, overcomes fears and gain confidence in itself, this confidence, when the person returned to the country, can become in arrogance, sometimes it generate the idea to belive more than the others who ha no had the same chance to live it. Therefore, the adulation for having lived abroad, takes courage to everything that they won, and instead keeps the Colombian or the Latin of their true roots, and its essence of which is by nature, "being humble".
Accordingly, when the time comes to return to the country where we were born, we must remember who we are and try to implemet all the good things we learned in all fields of life and personal relationships, family, friends, work, business, etc... In order to enrich our culture, and protecting it from anything that steals it essence.